Friday 14 November 2014


I am  a good writer why do I need to spend time networking? I write good stuff! see for yourself!

We all wish by posting on the net our creative work that freelance gigs will fall into our laps.  Unfortunately, this is such a misconception and could only work in an environment where demand exceeds supply!  There are thousands competing for work and it is all about how to get people to notice you first. 

SO as a Freelance Journalist how do I shine in my craft above all?
Don't underestimate the power of LinkedIn! According to Arab Social Media Report there were  
8,445,515 registered users by May 2014 mostly in the 18 - 35 year old category. We recommend that when using LinkedIn you follow these steps :-
  • Create a profile. 
  • Keep it professional! (descriptions, pictures) appearances count.
  • Search for contacts in your targeted newspapers and magazines.
  • Do not use the standard LinkedIn invitation to connect.  Personalise it and explain why you want to connect.
  • Join relevant groups.
  • Post and share interesting content relative to your area of expertise. 
Get started and join

Nabbbesh recently turned 2 and has over 40000 members.  Founded by Loulou Khazen Baz, the website is a platform that links freelancers with businesses looking to employ them.  Nabbesh makes 12% commission on the jobs advertised.

Nabbesh has a review system that allows customers to post reviews on the freelancers they have used.  I caught up with Tammy James, Owner of Recruitment Village a website that brings employers and job seekers together, Tammy said 'I hired 3 people through Nabbesh.  It is a great website and is very handy for businesses like mine that have content writing requirements on an ad hoc basis.  The people that did the work for me were very professional and delivered projects on time'  
You can create your page in a jiffy. Make sure you fully complete your profile, add your portfolio and bio. 

 Tasmeem ME also links freelancers with employers.  Tasmeem boasts a network of 14128 users and 1826 jobs advertised.
Creating a profile is also very easy to do.  Make sure your profile is complete, professional and concise!

Dedicate time to creating a blog with rich and relevant content.  

At the WMA Academy they don't just focus on providing the technical skills to be a good journalist, you are also given plenty of practical advise and they definitely insisted on the importance of NETWORKING.  WMA lecturers are very supportive and you are encouraged to approach them and ASK!ASK!ASK!.  As prominent figures in the UAE journalist community they are approached by freelancers on a regular basis and know what made them choose one freelancer as opposed to another.  Very insightful!           

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