Tuesday 25 November 2014

A Selection of interesting PR Stunts Enjoy!

Can you think of any interesting PR Stunts that took place in the UAE? please share!  

Lidl treat journalists to ‘flash’ 3 course spread – for less than £10 a head

German supermarket Lidl – which has been gaining ground on the other supermarkets as of late for its no frills pricing – held a swanky dinner at London’s Victoria & Albert Museum last night.

The evening, attended by many national consumer journalists, was described as a chance to meet UK boss Ronny Gottschlich, who made a number of announcements.
First up was a new £20m TV ad campaign, debuted last night. The ‘LidlSurprises’ ad, according to this piece on the Express, ‘shows shoppers visiting a farmers’ market in London’s East End where they are surprised at what good value the fresh produce is – only to be told upon purchase that their shopping items were sourced from the German chain’.
Gottschlich also told how the chain has plans to create 5,000 jobs over the next five years as part of a £220million UK expansion programme, by increasing the number of its UK stores from 600 to between 1,200 and 1,500.
All this sounds lovely – but isn’t the reason it’s on this site. Here’s the menu, as tweeted by the Telegraph’s Harry Wallop. Sounds nice, right?

And here, after the meal, is a receipt given to each of the 185 diners, showing the cost of each ingredient at Lidl – and that the ‘flash’ 3 course menu had cost less than £10 per head.

Link to original post:


ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

By now you’ve seen countless individuals dumping a bucket of ice over their heads in support of ALS, including celebrities such as Bill Gates, Taylor Swift and Oprah Winfrey. Apart from the silliness, the “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge” has been serious business. The ALS Association, a national non-profit organization fighting Lou Gehrig’s disease, received $31.5 million in donations between July 29 and August 20 compared to $1.9 million during the same period last year.
That’s one heck of a successful PR campaign! And one heck of a great cause!

Video attracted more than 2 Million Views on You Tube!

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